Campaign Manager - Campaign Activity Monitor

Overview Of The Campaign Activity Monitor Grid Display

The information provided in the Campaign Activity Monitor is displayed in a grid, with columns.


Campaign Activity Monitor does not take into account daylight saving time changes for upcoming scheduled deployments.

The columns available in the Campaign Activity Monitor are:

Column name Description
Status icon Indicates whether the deployment is:
  • sending
  • scheduled
  • completed
Creative Name of the Email Creative
Campaign Name Name of the Email Manager Creative or the name of the Campaign Manager Campaign Name
Source The source of the deployment, either Email Manager or Campaign Manager
Scheduled Date Deployment scheduled date for Email Manager; or Track Scheduled Date for Campaign Manager
Started Date When the Email Manager deployment started, displayed in the same local date and time as your web browser
Finished Date When the Email Manager deployment finished, displayed in the same local date and time as your web browser
List Total Total in the Email Manager list for deployment; or total in the Campaign Manager batch for deployment (batches have a maximum size of 20,000 rows)
Processed The number of emails processed
Submitted The number of emails submitted
Queued The number of emails queued and ready to go out
% Done The percent sent of the list total for Email Manager; or the percent sent of the batch for Campaign Manager (batches have a maximum size of 20,000 rows)
Status Deployment status
Throttle Email Manager throttle (for campaigns configured to go out over a throttled period of time)
Errors The number of error messages
Lists The names of the lists the deployment was sent to
Delivery Context The deployment's name or IP address
Campaign Owner The Email Manager user name; or the Campaign Manager campaign owner
Created The date the deployment was created
Modified The date the deployment was last modified
List Suppressed The number of emails suppressed because they are on one of the selected suppression lists
Event Suppressed The number of emails suppressed because their last event is one of the selected suppression events
Health Suppressed The number of emails suppressed because their health is below the threshold for the deployment
Recipient Suppressed The number of emails suppressed because they are unsubscribed
Field Suppressed The number of emails suppressed because they have a "1" in one of the fields selected as suppression for the deployment
From Email The Sender Email variable value
From Alias The Sender Alias variable value
Subject The Email Subject variable value
Deployment ID The unique Deployment ID
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